Weevos™ by Landscape Structures
The Weevos™ playsystem is designed especially to promote 2- to 5-year-old growth and development in five key areas: physical, cognitive, sensory/motor, emotional/social and language. Weevos challenges are designed to grow with kids, making it easy for them to graduate from Weevos to its companion Evos™, where 5- to 12-year-olds can begin to flex their problem-solving skills along with their muscles.
The cool arched designs and intriguing play components provide a unique destination that kids will flock to. Weevos is chock-full of unscripted play events, encouraging imaginations along with physical activity. And every inch of these spherical shapes is part of the three-dimensional play experience, offering endless opportunities for unstructured and inventive fun.
Now, with Weevos and Evos, we offer this complete set of complementary playsystems to encourage healthy development of children ages 2 to 12+.
To see more please visit www.playlsi.com